Cost-Driven Scheduling Strategy for Scientific Workflow under Multi-cloud Environment
LIN Bing1,2, GUO Wen-Zhong1,2, CHEN Guo-Long1,2, CHEN Huang-Ning1
1.College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116 2.Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Networking Computing and Intelligent Information Processing, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108
Abstract Aiming at the deadline-constrained scientific workflow scheduling problem under multi-cloud environment, the concept of partial critical paths algorithm is introduced. A cost-driven scheduling strategy for scientific workflow is proposed to reduce the execution cost of workflow as much as possible and satisfy its deadline constraint. The characteristics of multi-cloud environment and scientific workflows are taken into account in this strategy. Firstly, the adjacent two tasks with a common directed cut-edge are merged into a single task based on the workflow structure. Then, the partial critical paths with subdeadline constraints are searched based on the critical parent iterative mechanism. Finally, the most suitable instances are allocated to the partial critical path and all the tasks in the path are scheduled to their corresponding instance. Various workflows are used for evaluating the proposed strategy and experimental results show that the proposed strategy has a better execution efficiency and a lower workflow execution cost.
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